Wow! It has been a long time since I have written anything on here. Been busy! Things are slowing down now that summer is over. Cannot believe i am saying that... summer is over! I am usually not excited for summer to be over but this year i am so ready for fall.
I had forgotten how therapeutic it is to write. I am stay at home mommy/wife kinda, i work full time from home also. This IS my outlet. I spend a lot of time by myself. And it is great to get all of my thoughts out there!
Where to even begin with what life is throwing at us right now. Well for starters, the snakes are back! I thought we had for sure gotten rid of them. BUT i am certain that the same momma snake from last year is back with her babies. Remember her?
Yep, looks the same!! Me and the girls had an exciting day yesterday trying to get them out of our yard. But of course as soon as my husband shows up they disappear. Is this some kind of sick game they are playing on me?? My son loves the snakes though and spent an hour last night digging in their hole to try and find them.
I now have a potty trained 2 year old! She potty trained herself when she was 2 years and 3months old. I can honestly say she did it all on her own. She showed me that if i pushed her she wasn't going to do it, but if i backed off she was perfectly capable. And did i mention this happened all in the matter of ONE evening. Easiest child to potty train ever!
We have new family members, last spring we bought bunnies! The kids showed them at the fair this summer. They loved every moment of it.
The girls started dance in August. This has been a promise to them since we moved to Iowa. ( 3 years ago :/ ) What else, what else, what else.... oh and a very proud momma moment, my 11 year was asked to be in the gifted program at school. I am glad to see we have not completed failed as parents! You know when you are wondering if you are doing a good job or not then things like that happen and you realize that you aren't miserably failing after all. Great feeling. Although i cannot take any pride in his smarts, he is just so naturally smart... kinda like his dad!
I think that is enough rambling to get me back in full swing blogging mode! Off to my "me" time for the day. Cici is napping and the treadmill is calling my name.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
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