A blog dedicated to capturing memories

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Whew!  Been a busy last 2 days!  Yesterday was Syler, my stepson's 11th birthday.  I can hardly believe how fast time as flown!  He was about 15 months old when me and his father started dating.  Just a baby!  Now he is turning into a little man!  My camera was being weird yesterday so i don't have the greatest pics but here are a few of him on his special day.  :)

This afternoon was spent in the Dr's office with my Chas.  She has been having stomach issues for while now.  Started with a UA which came back OK, not 100% what it should be, but not enough for antibiotics. So now we get to do stool sampling :)  She is just thrilled about that.  If that comes but with nothing then her Dr. said he has some other testing that he will want to do.  We are also cutting dairy products out of her diet for the next 2 weeks to see if that might have something to do with it.  Ready to get her past this.  My poor baby girl.

When we got home i made dinner then we snarfed it down and headed to the Variety show at the middle school.  Watching all of the jr highers goof off brings back memories of my middle school days.  I loved middle school.  I have such great memories!!  Seems like forever ago though.
The variety show was alot of fun to watch.  There were some really creative ones!

After a long day i don't look or feel so hot!

I will be spending the rest of my time awake right here!


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