A blog dedicated to capturing memories

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I came across these free printouts from  http://justsomethingimade.com/  go here to download yours.  Just print them out on 8 1/2 by 14 paper.  I printed mine out on cardstock sheets.  I ran out of black ink and they came out a different color, but i actually really like the color they printed in.  So i went with it! The kids are loving it!

*Make sure when you go to print to change your page scaling to None to make the picture 12 inches long.  If you use fit to printer margins or reduce to printer margins the picture will only print out at 11 and a quarter inches long.

This project was featured!!


  1. Letting you know I am featuring this on Hating Martha tomorrow...stop by if you want to grab a button!

  2. I will for sure grab one! Thank you!

  3. That is so cool! I need one of those for my son, who's growing like a weed! Would you share here?


  4. Thank you! My kids are loving it! I will share it right now :)

  5. Love this!! I will be featuring this tomorrow at our Shine on Friday party. Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Thanks for the feature!!!! I grabbed a button :)

  7. This is awesome and I'm so doing it!!! I'm you're newest follower!! Hope you decide to visit me!! I really love your blog!


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