It was so easy to put together. The kids helped me and had a lot of fun with it. My five year decided we should start trying to make everything and asked me if i could make her some cheese! And my 10 year old thought i was kinda crazy... said he felt like a hill billy! Hey if it saves money and works then i am down!
So here is everything you need:
My son grated all 3 bars, i just wanted to have a turn! I felt like a kid fighting for my turn to try!
The kiddos loved how it felt. And it smelled good too.
Mix it all together. We put it in a trash bag... it makes alot!
Two large containers full! I was afraid it wasn't going to smell good... but it does! I'm excited can you tell?!?!?! Doesn't take much :)
Now here is the breakdown of what it cost:
4lb box of Borax 3.38
4lb box of Baking soda 2.16
4lb box of Super washing soda 3.24
3 bars of Fels Naptha soap at .97 each 2.91
off brand of oxy clean (sun) 1.96
Total: 13.65
If you count the containers i bought, they came in a two pack and are the Wal-Mart brand. They cost 2.48. Which would only bring my total up to 16.13 which is still less than tide and about what you pay for gain.
You don't really need the baking soda, just the washing soda, it does basically the samething. I also do not use Oxy Clean. I have used my version- 1 cup washing soda, 1 cup borax and 2 cups grated soap- for years and I love it. I make my own soap, but when I run out of time I also use fels naptha and I really like it made with that. My recipe said to use 1 tablespoon per large load of laundry which I do for my clothes, but I use 3 tablespoons for my Husbands clothes, he gets super dirty sometimes. In the same tone, has anyone tried the wool dryer balls for static cling and softness? That is next on my agenda.