There is just something about Sundays that just make me feel good. We start out the day by going to church. I would be lying if i said i was always chipper and ready to go to church. I am usually the most tired on Sunday mornings. And it is the one day that i have to wake up the kids. I don't get it. I think the devil is trying to get me down. But once i get to church my morning usually turns out great. I love worshiping God and though i wish i could say i give God alot of my time during the week i often find myself leaving him out of my week. This is something i am working on. I love him so much and long for more time with him. But it does take work. But i am willing to work for it :) Anyways, once i get past all of the anxiety of getting myself and four kids ready and change my mindset to surrender everything to God for at least one morning my mood quickly changes. Not that i have never been crabby at church, i have had my days!
After church we usually come home and eat lunch and then RELAX for the rest of the afternoon. This is one day i try to make myself not work. It is very hard for me because i feel that i always have to be doing something. I actually get anxious and nervous feeling if i don't have something to do. I do struggle with anxiety anyways and actually take some medication to help me with this. I am really trying to find balance in my life and not feel like i always have to be doing something. It is the hardest thing for me to sit and watch TV or read a book. Both things i enjoy doing but i am a go go go all the time type of person.
Yesterday my hubby was scheduled to preach at a nursing home after church and normally we would have gone with him. I love seeing the sweet elderly and they enjoy the kids so much. But yesterday i told myself that i was going to lay down and enjoy a nice quiet afternoon while Cici slept and the girls played. Syler went to a friends house and Chasley had a friend over but i laid in bed and watched TV all afternoon. I felt great. Then we had the youth group over and spent the evening outside acting like little kids :) All adults need to do this every once in a while. Our driveway is attached to the parking lot and i rode around on a scooter and let me tell ya it is a GREAT workout for your legs. Might have to do that more often! Nothing like killing two birds with one stone. Playing with the kids/ working out. And Syler rode his dirt bike that he got for Christmas. He is just finally getting to enjoy it and I can tell he is going to get a lot of use out of this summer. He keeps begging me to try and ride it... he says he just knows that it will be hilarious. Who knows i might be a pro! I will get on it but it will either end badly or he will never get it back ;) Here are some pics of our evening.
Monday, March 19, 2012
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